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Masters Message January 2024

My Brothers,

Happy New Year!

December, as expected, was a whirlwind of activity at St Johns Lodge No. 1 Providence. Our holiday party, held at Alpine Country Club on Friday, 12/15, was attended by more than 160 members, family and guests. We held a toy drive at the holiday party for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program and collected two overflowing banquet tables worth of toys as well as three bicycles. It was a heartwarming sight to see the Christmas tree in the banquet room flanked by all these toys. There may have also been a sighting of Bro. JW Bob Larrabee riding one of the bikes… Fortunately, scheduling worked in our favor and the Marines were able to pick up the toys the following day for distribution to the children prior to the holiday. Thank you for your kindness and generosity which resulted in quite the donation to the Toys for Tots program!

Bright and early the very next morning on Saturday, 12/16, we held our annual Holiday Food Basket event where we prepared and distributed 75 food baskets to needy individuals, families and organizations. As is the tradition, the event was well attended with 100 volunteers working to stage, assemble and distribute the food baskets. This event is so very special St Johns Lodge No. 1 Providence and there have been several examples of recipients expressing their gratitude and sharing what the receipt of the holiday basket meant to them. I need to offer my sincere thanks to Bros. Hugo Adames II and Thom Kumes for their dedication to and leadership of this event. It runs like clockwork. Also, thanks to the Brethren of Daylight Lodge for preparing and serving a wonderful breakfast for all the volunteers. This event is simply Masonry at its finest!

We wrapped up 2023 with our December monthly communication which was a joint meeting between St Johns No 1 Providence and Collegium Luminosum. I enjoyed welcoming to the East, my friend and mentor, W:. Chancellor Joshua Irizarry. Together we hosted Bro. Dan Kemble who is a Fellow of Kentucky’s William O. Ware Lodge of Research and he shared his presentation on THE ROLE OF RESEARCH LODGES IN OBSERVANT FREEMASONRY:

For those unable to attend our most recent Entered Apprentice degree, please join me in welcoming our two newest Entered Apprentices: Bro. Lenine Camacho and Bro. Joseph Puleo. Since receiving their EA degree on 11/29, they have been working overtime on their proficiency work to catch up with our four other EAs who received their degree in October. All six of our Entered Apprentices will demonstrate their proficiency to the Lodge at our monthly meeting on January 17th. I just happened to unexpectedly drop in on their recent class of instruction and I can confidently share that, in typical SJ1P fashion, their proficiency will not disappoint. But, you need to come witness it for yourself!

At our meeting on January 17th, we will also be conferring the Fellowcraft degree and Lodge will open at 5:30. The Officers and I have been working diligently and are prepared to deliver another outstanding and impactful degree. Bro. SD Bill Gouge is fully prepared with the Middle Chamber lecture. Please come join us for the degree on 1/17. We would appreciate your support in our continued attempt to deliver the WOW.

Lastly, a friendly reminder that a dinner reservation is absolutely required and due the Friday before our communication – this month that is Sunday, 01/14. You can make your reservation with Brother Senior Steward via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 401.861.1757. The cost of the meal with a reservation remains $10. *IF* we can accommodate a Brother without a reservation the evening of the communication, the cost is $20. A copy of the memo about reservations/catering/costs was recently sent to members. Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.

As I shared in my welcome at the St Johns No 1 Providence holiday party, my wish is that the coming year is filled with prosperity, good health, and boundless opportunities for all of us. And, may we continue to grow as individuals, as Masons and a Lodge. Most importantly, may the spirit of the holiday season inspire us to spread kindness, joy and light wherever we go.



W:. Joseph J. Bernier