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Masters Message October 2023

My Brothers,

Now that we are back from summer recess, St Johns Lodge No 1 Providence is bustling with activity and fraternal connections - you can absolutely feel the energy and it’s invigorating. The September communication kicked off our year with a dynamic guest speaker, R:.W:.Nicholas Ives from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. R:.W:. Nick spoke to us about Ouroboros Lodge No. 151, an observant lodge located in Wallingford, CT and shared why this lodge was created, what its members demand from this Masonic experience and how it operates differently from a traditional blue lodge. R:.W:. Nick is an incredibly engaging speaker and he echoed my belief that Masonic observance leads to excellence. As I’ve shared in many communications, the idea of observance and excellence is foundational to everything we do this year. I was certainly thrilled that R:.W:.DDGM Eric Grist and M:.W:. GM Doug Grant were both able to join us for the September meeting to kick off the year.

At our October Communication(s) we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree on our cohort of candidates. On Wednesday, 10/18 lodge will open at 5:30 pm to transact business. We will then enjoy dinner provided by our new caterer, Cozy Catering, and then will be performing the first section of the EA degree on five candidates. On Saturday, 10/21 we will be holding a special communication to continue with our EA degree work. Lodge will open early, and then starting at 9:00 am sharp, we will confer section one on the remainder of the candidates. Subsequently on Saturday, all the candidates will receive the lectures. I can attest to the fact that the officers have been focused and working diligently to put on an outstanding degree for our candidates. We have had several rehearsals and we are ready to deliver! Please come share in the experience and help us “wow” the candidates. We are reintroducing traditions to the already outstanding degree work performed by SJ1P and I expect that the degree will be memorable for not only the candidates but for you as well. Please join us and help us welcome and celebrate these new Brothers! Connecting with these new Brothers early is critical to their Masonic experience and encourages them to become active members in our esteemed lodge.

At our October communication we will also continue selling the SJ1P navy polos and khaki baseball hats. We currently have a variety of sizes available but quantities are limited. If you would like a polo or hat (or one of each), please get them while you can. The cost is $20 each.

Lastly, a reminder that a dinner reservation for our monthly communications is absolutely required and due the Friday before our communication – this month that is Friday, 10/13. You can make your reservation for dinner with Brother Senior Steward via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 401.861.1757. The cost of the meal with a reservation remains $10. *IF* we can accommodate a Brother without a reservation the evening of the communication, the cost is $20. A copy of the memo about reservations/catering/costs that was recently sent to members and is being included with this Trestleboard. If you have any questions, please contact me directly. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter and your cooperation.


W:. Joseph J. Bernier
Joseph J. Bernier
Worshipful Master