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Masters Message February 2024

My Brothers,

It’s hard to believe that the end of January is so rapidly approaching. I’ve been told several times how quickly a Master’s time in the East passes, and it is the absolute truth. That said, at our January Communication, we witnessed the class of SJ1P candidates deliver an incredible Entered Apprentice proficiency. The class was articulate, poised, absolutely prepared and proud to present their work. I was in awe of their delivery and actually speechless when they were done. They unquestionably delivered the WOW back to the Officers and the Lodge! I was so pleased that M:. W:. Doug Grant chose to join us for the evening as he was able to witness their fine work as well. Congratulations to Brothers Camacho, Lunn, Niazi, Norberg, Puleo and Vukas on their exceptional EA proficiency work. And, a huge thank you to our instructors who continue to ensure that the tradition of outstanding candidate work at SJ1P continues.

In kind, and not to be outdone by the proficiency work of our class of candidates, the Officers and I delivered an equally impressive Fellowcraft degree on our six candidates. Once again, we focused on the senses through the use of candlelight, incense and lighting. In addition to delivering great ritual, the use of these sensory items really sets the stage for a degree, and you know something special is happening. Thank you to all the Officers for your dedication to delivering another excellent degree. And a hearty congratulations to Bro. Bill Gouge on his delivery of the Middle Chamber lecture. M:. W:. Dennis Pothier said it best after the degree: Not only was Bro. Bill’s rendition of the Middle Chamber lecture spot on, but he also made it very personal. In order to deliver such a personal experience, it was obvious that Bro. Bill had complete command of the material. Kudos to you, Bro. Bill on your amazing accomplishment. I’m so proud to say that you are the Senior Deacon of SJ1P.

At our February Communication, our guest speaker will be Bro. John Bizzack joining us via Zoom. Per his bio on his website, “Dr. Bizzack is the author of fourteen books, numerous essays, commentaries, and papers on leadership, criminal investigation, police standards, the behavior organizations, their behavior, and management. His books and writings include the topic of Freemasonry. He speaks nationwide on a variety of issues about Freemasonry, the criminal justice system, and critical thinking.” I have asked Bro. Bizzack to discuss his book, Sins of Our Masonic Fathers. Bro. Bizzack’s book touches upon the idea of quality over quantity and that there is strength in fewness. I tremendously enjoyed reading this book and know and expect that this will spark dialogue. If you would like more information about Bro. Bizzack, you can read more here:

For your future attendance planning: Our March Communication will be our Master Mason Degree. I will be in search of Brothers to help participate in this degree. April will be R:. W:. Eric Grist’s Official Visitation to SJ1P and also his last Official Visitation as a DDGM. In honor of this special occasion, our guest speaker for the evening will be Bro. Andrew Hammer. May’s Communication will be a presentation by W:. Bryan Cooper and we will also be hosting Euclid Lodge in May. This is a special year for Euclid as they are celebrating their 150th anniversary. We need to make their visit more extra-special than usual! Lastly, June will be our Awards Night as well as our Annual.

A friendly reminder that a dinner reservation for our monthly communications is absolutely required and due the Friday before our communication – this month that is Friday, 2/16. You can make your reservation for dinner with Brother Senior Steward via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 401.861.1757. The cost of the meal with a reservation remains $10. *IF* we can accommodate a Brother without a reservation the evening of the communication, the cost is $20. A copy of the memo about reservations/catering/costs that was recently sent to members and is being included with this Trestleboard. If you have any questions, please contact me directly. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


W:. Joseph J. Bernier