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Masters Message March 2024

My Brothers,

Leaving my office the other evening, I happily noticed that it was still light outside and realized that the days are getting longer. Although shorter in the number of days, February can feel like a long month for many reasons – it’s cold, gray, rainy/snowy and it’s more difficult to spend time outside just enjoying nature. Personally, I am looking forward to March with less gray, hopefully a sprinkling of some warmer, sunny days and the thought that spring is just around the corner.

That said, March is also the time when St Johns No. 1 Providence will confer the Master Mason degree on its six candidates. Really, what perfect timing? The arrival of spring and the raising of our newest brothers. The MM degree will be done at our regular meeting on Wednesday, 3/20. Please, please come out to support our candidates – they have been working so hard on their FC proficiency (I expect another moment of WOW) and they deserve to receive the WOW for their final degree and we all know a well-done MM degree produces this effect! The Officers have been working diligently to prepare for the degree and I know they appreciate your support. Lodge will open at 5:30 and the plan is to confer all sections of the degree that night. As has been the theme this year, we continue to focus on the heightening of senses in the delivery of the degree for the candidates.

For those unable to make the February communication, you missed a wonderful presentation by W:. Bro. John Bizzack. He delivered a paper to SJ1P titled: Exploring Who We Are And Why We Are, The Way We Are. The presentation was very thought provoking and dared us to question our seriousness of purpose in selecting the best (and fewer) men for the fraternity. The presentation was based on Bro. Bizzack's book: Sins of our Masonic Fathers: The Lost Strength of Fewness in American Freemasonry. I wanted to provide the link to his book because Bro. Bizzack's presentation was so engaging and it is an excellent read.

A friendly reminder that a dinner reservation for our monthly communications is absolutely required and due the Friday before our communication – this month that is Friday, 3/15. You can make your reservation for dinner with Brother Senior Steward via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 401.861.1757. The cost of the meal with a reservation remains $10. *IF* we can accommodate a Brother without a reservation the evening of the communication, the cost is $20. Thank you in advance for your your cooperation.

Looking forward to seeing you at our March communication!


W:. Joseph J. Bernier