Masters Message June 2024
My Brothers,
It’s hard to believe that my time in the East is coming to a close. I look back on this year with much pride and satisfaction knowing that I did the absolute best work I could for the Lodge and for you, my Brothers. I hope you share in that pride and know that our Lodge is nothing short of amazing and is so very special. We are distinguished, strong and enviable. It has been an honor to be Master of St Johns Lodge #1 Providence and an experience I will always cherish. Looking forward, the future continues to be bright for SJ1P given that the best Officers in the jurisdiction constitute our line. Continue on the path of unwavering dedication to excellence!
The annual joint visitation with Euclid Lodge #136 of Hasbrouck Heights, NJ was held on Saturday, 5/11 and was a wonderful day of fellowship and brotherhood punctuated with lots of food, “beverages” and cigars. Between SJ1P and Euclid, we had nearly 100 brothers in attendance. We tried something new this year and brought in several food trucks and it was a success. SJ1P presented Euclid with a beautiful cake (designed by Bro. JD Scott Alexander) in recognition of Euclid’s 150th anniversary this year. Additionally, during the visitation, Euclid Lodge presented SJ1P with a stunning plaque commemorating our 39th year of joint visitations. Next year is our 40th and I already know (because they told me) that the brethren of Euclid are planning something extra special for our trip there! My heartfelt and sincere thanks go to Bro. JW Bob Larrabee for planning and executing all the details of the Euclid visitation. Simply “tremendous.” I’d also like to thank the line officers for their help as well as our newest Master Masons for their assistance. It really was a great day in Freemasonry.
At our June communication the presentation for the evening will be the SJ1P service awards. Please plan to join us that evening to recognize many brothers who have achieved significant milestones of service in our Craft.
A reminder that a dinner reservation for our monthly communications is absolutely required and due the Friday before our communication – this month that is Friday, 6/14. You can make your reservation for dinner with Brother Senior Steward via email at
I now close my final message as Master of St Johns Lodge #1 Providence. I look forward to seeing and spending time with you at our many, many June events!!
W:. Joseph J. Bernier