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Masters Message November 2024

Greetings My Brothers,

The Fall season continues on quite apace! The trees whose vibrancy we’ve enjoyed these past weeks are steadily shedding their leaves back to the earth, in preparation for the cold and reflective winter season in which the trees hibernate, conserve their energy, and await the warmth of spring. If only we humans could do the same! Nevertheless, as we approach the holiday season, we look forward to opportunities for connection with family, honor to our good fortunes, and continuing the work of the Craft.

October proved to be as busy a month for St Johns 1P as one could ask for. We began by hosting a car wash fundraiser for the RI School for the Deaf athletics program, which was exceedingly successful. We conducted investigations on applicants for membership to the lodge, ahead of the EA degree later in October. Your officers held two comprehensive rehearsals to prepare for the EA degree, which we conferred on eight new Masons between our stated communication and a Saturday special communication. May I say, what exceptional degree work your officer line provided! Our EA candidates were suitably impressed, and are as enthusiastic to continue their journey as we are to join them.

We at St Johns 1P are traveling men! We visited Rising Sun lodge to accompany R:.W:. Stephan H Saraidarian on his official DDGM visitation there. We traveled to Redwood lodge, accompanying Most Worshipful Grand Master Andre H Faria, Jr, on his official visitation to the Metro district. We concluded the month by joining at Grand Lodge with brethren from the jurisdiction to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the laying of our Grand Lodge cornerstone. It is always a joy to see brothers when traveling the jurisdiction. St Johns 1P is visible and well-represented by its officers and brothers. Thank you all for the work you do to keep our lodge active and engaged in these extremely meaningful ways.

In honor of Veteran’s Day, for our November communication, we welcome retired Master Sergeant Gregg Ackley. He will speak to us about his experience as a Delta Force operator deployed to Operation Gothic Serpent, Somalia, 1993. He was on the ground at the Battle of Mogadishu, popularized by the book and film “Black Hawk Down.” I’ve known MSgt Ackley for a few years now, and I’ve heard some of his first-hand accounts. If you are interested in hearing first hand stories from the lived experience of our American war heroes, you will not want to miss this program! MSgt Ackley tells me his debrief is “comprehensive,” so be prepared for a very full evening on the subject.

The presentation is semi-public, so friends and family are invited. The lodge will open at 5:30PM, with dinner at 6:15PM, and the program beginning at 7PM sharp. Dinner reservations are an absolute requirement; given the anticipated number of attendees, we must have your dinner reservation in hand if you want to dine with us. Please contact our Senior Steward following the usual process to make a reservation.

Looking a little further on in the calendar, our Holiday Party is right around the corner, and it is shaping up to be quite the event! I am excited for our change in venue to Quidnessett Country Club, who will no doubt provide an excellent dining and celebratory experience for our lodge party. It will not surprise anyone who knows me to learn that we have a host of excellent musicians coming to entertain us for the evening. There might even be an opportunity for us to sing some holiday tunes and carols, if we feel so inclined. Please fill out your reservation and send it in as soon as you are able. I hope to see you there!

I leave you with a thought which I hope you will find comforting, or at the very least, will give you pause for consideration. As Masons, we endeavor to be the change in the world which we hope to see. We give generously of our time and resources, hoping to maximize the impact of our labors to affect change for as many people as possible. My suggestion to you, brothers, is this; despite the unquestionable value such labors have, and the genuine need for us to continue that work, such large endeavors are, in fact, not how you change the world.

You change the world by picking up trash on your morning walk. You change the world by giving kindness and patience to the cashier with special needs, who needs extra time to check you out at the market.  You change the world when you are mindful of the well-being of a person who owes you nothing, and can do nothing for you. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, consider that these are the moments which bring true gratitude and thankfulness. Every day, my brothers, you will find an opportunity to serve in some small, unnoticed way, for which you will likely receive no accolades or acknowledgments. If you want to change the world, seek out those moments, and capture as many as you can. With enough time, those many small moments will become the change we’re looking for. From my family to yours, I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


W∴Charles Jason Shealy
Worshipful Master, St Johns No 1 Providence