Masters Message December 2019
Greetings My Brothers
We started our October communication with a busy meeting conferring the EA degree on three candidates. I am so honored that two of the candidates were the Master Councilor’s for Gaspee chapter, and a Past State Master Coun-cilors. The support and the great showing of brothers was outstanding in sending the mes-sage to these new candidates of the importance of DeMolay to our fraternity.
The degree went very well, and I would like to give my thanks to the officers for an outstand-ing degree work, and brethren who attended, participated and helped with the degree. I was more pleased that we had visitors came as far as Connecticut to support our DeMolay candi-dates.
Additionally, we had a District Deputy Grand Master Brother Doug Grant’s visitation to the Metro District at the Rising Sun Lodge. I am thankful for all the brothers attended.
The speaker for November’s meeting is David S. Brody. He is a bestselling fiction writer named Boston’s Best Local Author by the Boston Phoenix newspaper. His children call him a "rock nerd" because of the time he spends studying ancient stone structures which he believes evidence exploration of America prior to Columbus. A graduate of Tufts University and Georgetown Law School, he has appeared as a guest expert on documentaries on History Channel, Travel Channel, PBS and Discovery Channel. He lives in Newburyport, MA with his wife, sculptor Kimberly Scott.” Dave Brody has just released his latest book and will be discussing the theme of the book, Treasure Templari, is an illus-trated presentation.
The Grand Lodge Semi-Annual will be on Saturday November 16th, 2019 at RI Grand Lodge at 1:00 PM. All Master Masons are invited to attend. Remember to check the Grand Lodge web site for details.
With the Thanksgiving holiday getting closer, it is the perfect time to remember those in need and be thankful for what we have. I hope that each of us, will continue to share those gifts with those in need.
Please remember to let me or Brother Secretary know of anybody who should be put on or taken off the sick list. Finally, I hope that this season brings you many blessings and happiness.
Mazen M. Alsabe
Worshipful Master